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St John Fisher Catholic Primary

St John Fisher Catholic Primary

R.E. Displays

A selection of classroom and communal displays and prayer focus areas.


Benefits of a Catholic Education

Parents and children regularly comment that one of the school's strengths is its welcoming atmosphere and friendly community. This is at the heart of our Catholic mission; we offer the hand of friendship to all. The words of Jesus to 'Love your neighbour' mean that we encourage caring, kindness and forgiveness every day. Children learn how to live by Gospel values and take a considered approach to their lives.


There is a dignity and respect for each individual as a unique creation of God. We strive to celebrate the diversity which he has provided, recognising their gifts and helping them to grow in their understanding of themselves, others and their relationship with God. We explore other faiths within our learning to promote greater understanding amongst our future citizens, so that they may enjoy a tolerant and respectful society.


Contributing to the Common Good is important in our school and takes many forms. Our Chaplaincy Team lead regular fundraising activities for local and international charities. Children are encouraged to be active members of society and we all work together to improve our school environment.


We also have strong links with our local parish and celebrate the liturgical year with a range of events. Throughout preparation for Sacraments, faith leaders visit the school on a weekly basis to further children's spiritual development.

Catholic Secondary Schools in St Albans


Loreto College

Hatfield Road

St Albans



01727 856206



Nicholas Breakspear 

Colney Heath Lane

St Albans



01727 860079



St Columba's College

King Harry Lane

St Albans


