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St John Fisher Catholic Primary

St John Fisher Catholic Primary


British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.


Teaching children British values provides strengthened guidance on improving the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of pupils to ensure that they leave school prepared for a life in modern Britain. The values underpin what it is to be a British citizen in a modern and diverse Britain and promote moral and cultural understanding to celebrate the diversity of the UK

The Key Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

 British values are actively taught through our PSHE scheme Jigsaw. (See lesson mapping below).


Pupils should have the right to have their voices heard. At St John Fisher Catholic Primary School we achieve this through a pupil elected school council where class representatives raise issues and suggest ideas for improvement. 


The Rule Of Law

We reinforce the importance of law and rules to teach students to distinguish between right and wrong which encourages children to take responsibility for their own actions. We teach the reasons behind rules and laws, how they govern and protect us, and the consequences of what happens when these laws are broken. 


Individual Liberty

We promote the freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs in a safe environment. We teach children to take responsibility for their behaviour. They are supported to understand that they have rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely. Pupils should be supported to become as independent as possible. This can be demonstrated through PSHE lessons and assemblies.


Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those With Different Faiths or Beliefs

Students are taught to show empathy and understanding of people from different backgrounds. We give pupils regular opportunities to learn about different cultures and beliefs to reinforce messages of tolerance and respect. This allows them to understand and respect values different from their own.

Please see below for more examples of how we promote British Values at St John Fisher School:

  • School rules - We follow the behviour bees (Be Safe, Be respectful and Be Ready To Learn)
  • School council (which is democratically elected)
  • Clear behaviour system consistently applied and positive reward systems which promote co-operation.
  • Paired work, group work, taking turns, sharing, tolerance, support, respect, care are all taught and modelled.
  • Children are encouraged to become confident individuals and develop strong communication skills through roles and responsibilities (children helping to prepare the class in the morning, class rota of jobs and prepare a class act of worship (once a week) and a whole class assemblies. The Year 6 have a vast array of ‘jobs’ across the school ranging from being assembly monitors, reception buddies to being PE monitors.
  • Themes during RE, PSHE and English provide opportunities for debate around human rights, sustainability, diversity etc.
  • Celebration of the achievements of inspirational people
  • The scheme of work for RE lessons, (Come and See scheme of work), where tolerance and understanding form a significant element of learning. We also explore all major religions. Examples are: learning about major religious beliefs and how they complement each other and have common values.
  • Music and art opportunities particularly give a lot of scope for cultural and historical distinctiveness to be celebrated.
  • Behaviour policy which teaches boundaries, recognises pupils fulfilling expectation, rewards those who go above and beyond, and support pupils to improve if they are not meeting the expectations.
  • Black history month is a time we share equality rights for all citizens.

We use the Jigsaw Charter to build tolerance and respect in every PSHE lesson:

Mapping of British Values through PSHE

british values overview 2023 2024.pdf