Design and Technology
At St. John Fisher we have designed our design technology curriculum to develop creativity, engage, inspire and equip all pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment and create their own products with purpose. Our designers will be confident in using a wide range of techniques to explore their ideas and record their experiences. We will provide opportunities for all children to explore food and nutrition, mechanisms by designing and planning projects purposefully. Using a cross curricula approach, all pupils will experiment and explore in meaningful contexts while building progressively on the knowledge and skills they need to become successful designers.
Our design technology curriculum is delivered through cross curricula projects, in this way all pupils can produce meaningful products inspired by other learning. Our design technology projects are linked to our history and geography learning. The projects aim to enhance the pupils understanding of designs and mechanisms used by historical civilisations or those found around certain geographical locations, as well as exploring food and nutrition and textile designs from around the world. Each of our designers has their own sketchbook, to record ideas, plan, practise new technique and evaluate completed products. Significant designers are studied in key projects, giving all pupils further knowledge and understanding of design technology concepts and skills.
Due to the nature of this curriculum area, design technology monitoring takes various forms. A key component of this is pupil self-evaluation of products during and after the design process and the confidence they have in discussing work they have completed. Sketch book monitoring throughout all year groups also takes place once a term to compliment this and products are showcased in our weekly newsletter.
Design Technology LTP
dt ltp curriculum map 2023 2024.pdf