Physical Education
“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.” The National Curriculum
At St John Fisher, we recognise that physical activity and sport are essential parts of a child’s everyday life and are a key factor in their well-being. Our aim is to:
- provide them with a wide range of opportunities so that they can discover the right kind of activity for themselves and experience the benefits that an active lifestyle can provide as well as enjoy physical activity and team sports.
- present them with opportunities to compete against themselves and others, work in partnerships and teams, build self-confidence and perseverance and the real sense of achievement.
- engage their enthusiasm and provide them with the necessary skills and experiences in order for them to be in the best position possible to further engage in physical activity and sporting opportunities in the future.
- prepare and support pupils towards healthy and active lifestyle choices for their future mental and physical well-being.
We provide the children with a broad and balanced curriculum and opportunities for the children to play in the tag-rugby festivals and compete over a wide range of inter-school sports events. In doing so, we aim to teach the children to follow the conventions of fair play.
The aims of Physical Education (PE) at our school are that all children:
- adopt an active lifestyle and understand the benefits it provides
- develop a range of sporting skills across the national curriculum, including swimming
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in a range of competitive sports and activities
- understand the importance and effect of exercise and being healthy
- develop a sense of fair play and a sporting attitude
- enjoy sporting activities and have fun, developing resilience and perseverance
We are committed to ensuring that all pupils access and participate in a broad and balanced PE curriculum. This is done through careful lesson planning and scaffolding to make sure that all children, including those who have special educational needs, disabilities, English as an additional language or those who are gifted and talented are included and engaged.
We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and upheld throughout our PE lessons and events.
We actively encourage the children at our school to be unique, creative, independent and open-minded individuals who respect themselves and others in our school, the local community and across the wider world.
PE is taught twice weekly, within Key stages 1 and 2, where a positive attitude to PE is created and expectations reinforced that all children can achieve success in PE. The subject is delivered by teachers.
We use the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work to deliver our lessons ensuring coverage of the National Curriculum and to allow the children to experience a wide range of sporting and active opportunities. A specialist coach attends the school annually to deliver tag-rugby and our cricket units of work. All coaches are DBS checked with sporting qualifications.
We are fortunate to have excellent facilities for P.E. including indoor hall space and extensive playing fields. Further involvement is encouraged through a wide range of extra-curricular activities, which take place at lunchtime and after school. Additionally, we boost competitive sport through a range of sporting competitions, offering a real variety and breadth for all. Our Year 4 class attends swimming classes for 2 terms and Year 6 a intensive water safety course at Sandringham School with specialist swimming instructors.
Health & Safety
Planning includes opportunities for explicit teaching of safe practice. Teachers and pupils work together to identify possible hazards in lessons before the start of any lesson as a preventative measure.
PE Kit
Children are expected and encouraged to wear appropriate PE clothing.
- Indoor and Outdoor: red polo-shirt, black PE jumper, black shorts. Black tracksuit bottoms can be worn in colder weather. Trainers must be worn in PE.
- Swimming at Sandringham School Year4 and Year 6: Swimming costume, swimming hat, towel and goggles.
- Personal effects, such as watches/jewellery should always be removed by pupils before participating in physical activity.
- Long hair should always be tied back.
PE is taught as a basis for life-long learning. We believe that a successful PE curriculum where children have access to a range of activities and have a positive, successful experience will then create children who will continue to have a physically active life. They will also have a good understanding of what a healthy, active life is like and the benefits of leading one.
Opportunities to compete in sport and other challenging activities will help embed values such as fairness, respect and teamwork. Children should be prepared for the next step in their learning and life journey and in a position to participate fully in the sporting and active opportunities in education and beyond.
Assessment in PE is an ongoing process. Teachers will make informal judgements about pupil’s progress and attainment as they observe them throughout lessons.
At the end of each unit/block of work, teachers will decide on a pupil’s level of attainment noting which children are:
- working above the age-related expectations
- working at the age-related expectations
- working towards the age-related expectations
Ongoing formative assessment methods are used each lesson to track a child's progress.
All Sport Clubs both free and paid can be found at the following link:
We appoint Sports Ambassadors in Year 6 who input into our school sports plan for the year. We participate in the local School Games organisation and follow and honour the School Games Values. For the past four years we have achieved the “Gold School Games” mark.
To review the Sports Premium funding reports, please see Key Information page.
PE Curriculum Map LTP
2023-2024 Fisher Red Newsletter
St John Fisher Sports Ambassadors newsletter Autumn Term 2023