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St John Fisher Catholic Primary

St John Fisher Catholic Primary

Special Educational Needs and Provision

The school's co-ordinator for pupils with SEND is Mr Hughes. He can be contacted via the school office.

Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL) - St Albans Plus

Our school is part of DSPL7 which covers St Albans, Harpenden and local villages.

DSPL is a Hertfordshire-wide partnership approach where parents, carers, staff in early years settings and schools, further education colleges, local authority officers and representatives from other agencies, work together as part of an Area Group, to ensure that there is a range of provision and support services available in their local community that :


• Meets the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), aged 0-25, as close to home as possible.

• Widens choice for children and parents/carers

• Removes barriers to learning

• Improves outcomes for wellbeing and attainment

• Uses resources more effectively  


A link to their website can be found below:



St Albans East Schools Partnership - formally known as VISTA St Albans

St John Fisher Catholic Primary School is part of the St Albans East Schools Partnership. Through this we access support for pupils and their families in a number of ways. A link to their services can be found below. If you would like any further information please contact Mr Hughes, our Inclusion Coordinator.


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) PolicySEND Information Report